Department of Effective Public Management
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2nd International Seminar:
Innovative Experiences in Effective Public Management

Panama City, Panama, March 14, 2014

The 2nd Internacional Seminar “Innovative Experiences in Effective Public Management” has been organizad by the OAS Department for Effective Public Management (DEPM/OAS) and the National Authority for Government Innovation (AIG) of Panama. The Seminar was held on March 13th and 14th, in Panama City (Panama).

The purpose of the event was to share and disseminate innovative experiences in effective public management, with the goal of strengthening the efforts of multilateral and horizontal cooperation that the OAS/DEPM promotes in the Region; with the mission of contributing to make public institutions more transparent, effective and have mechanisms of citizen participation.

During the Seminar, several initiatives from the OAS countries were presented, which were divided into five (5) Panels: Panel 1: Planning and/or Evaluation of Public Policies; Panel 2: Open Government and Access to Public Information; Panel 3: Inter-institutional Coordination of Public Policies and Programs; Panel 4: Quality in Public Policy; and Panel 5: Human Resources Management.

Speakers from twelve (12) OAS Member States took part at the event: Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay, who presented their innovative experiences in Effective Public Management; as well as representatives of International organizations, as the Latin American Center of Administration for Development (CLAD) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). It is also worth mentioning that nine (9) OAS Member States participated, through authorities of their guiding institutions in Public Management and representatives of the OAS Permanent Missions: Argentina, Barbados, Bolivia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Suriname and the Bahamas.

Participants' biographies


C.ra Mónica Beatriz Zorrilla – Deputy Secretary, Under Secretariat of Management and Civil Service – Secretariat of the Cabinet Office and Administrative Coordination


Mr. Michael Archer  - Director, Office of the Public Sector – Ministry of the Civil Service


H.E. Diego Pary – Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Bolivia to the Organization of American States


Mrs. Ana Lúcia Amorim de Brito – Executive Secretary, Secretariat for Management – Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management


Dr. Douglas Janoff – First Secretary – Alternate Representative, Permanent Mission of Canada to the Organization of American States


Dr. Orlando Gracia Fajardo – Director, Direction of Evaluation of Public Policies – National Department of Planning 

Costa Rica

Dr. Roberto Gallardo Nuñez – Minister, Ministry of National Planning and Economic Policy – MIDEPLAN

Dominican Republic

Chief of the Delegation:
Dr. Manuel Ramon Ventura Camejo – Minister, Ministry of Public Administration

Dr. Carlos Manzano Contreras – Deputy Minister, Ministry of Public Administration

Dr. Elso Segura – Deputy Minister, Ministry of Public Administration


Dr. Oscar Alexis Uquillas Otero – Under Secretary, Sub Secretariat for Institutional Reform, National Secretariat for Planning and Development – SENPLADES

El Salvador

Mr. José Antonio Morales – Under Secretary, Sub Secretariat for Governability and Modernization of the Secretariat for   Strategic Affairs


Lic.da Dora Marina Coc Yup – Under Secretary, Sub Secretariat for Public Policies – Secretariat for Planning and Programming of the  Presidency - SEGEPLAN


Mr. Victor L. Brown – Business Process Re-engineering Specialist, Public Sector Transformation Unit of the Cabinet Office


Chief of the Delegation:
Dr. Julián Alfonso Olivas Ugalde – Ministry Secretary, Secretariat for the Public Function

Dr. César Osuna Gómez – Chief Officer, Federal Public Administration Human Resources Unit – Secretariat for the   Public    Function


H.E. Denis Ronaldo Moncada Colindres – Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Nicaragua to the Organization of American States


Mr. Eduardo Jaén – General Administrator, National Authority for Government Innovation - AIG


Ec. Humberto R. Peralta Beaufort – Ministry Executive Secretary, Secretariat for the Public Function


Mrs. Mariana Llona Rosa – Executive Secretary, Secretariat for the Public Function

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Mrs. Torfrida Rochester – Permanent Secretary, Human Resources Management Department


Mr. Mohamad Nasier ESKAK – Policy Advisor, Ministry of Home Affairs

The Bahamas

Chief of the Delegation:
Hon. David Shane Gibson – Minister, Minister of the Public Service

Ms. Rena Glinton, Acting Permanent Secretary - Minister of the Public Service
Ms. Janice Miller, Deputy Permanent Secretary - Minister of the Public Service
Ms. Kalin Griffin, Assistant Director of Labour - Minister of the Public Service


Cra. Iris Janet López– Director, Management and Evaluation of the State Area of the Office of Planning and Budget

1. The seminar has shown a wealth of theoretical contributions, applications and experiences that have emerged in our Region in recent years. In that regard, despite the different strategies adopted by the countries in relation to the reform of public sector and despite the heterogeneous results that have been observed, the strengthening of the public sector in the region is progressing.

2. This progress gives us a reason to celebrate and hope for all countries in the region. In this sense, public management is presented as a central element in the "positive" agenda at the regional level, building bridges between government and citizens within each country and strengthening relations between the countries of the Hemisphere.

3. Innovation in public management is not a luxury but an imperative need to give an answer to the growing expectations of the citizens - especially the ones of an emerging middle class that is economically and politically empowered. In this sense, a functioning State, a "democracy that delivers" is presented as an essential element for strengthening the legitimacy of democratically elected governments – whatever their political-ideological orientation or national strategic objectives are.

Democratic governance can be strengthened if democratically elected governments have a State apparatus that can address and respond in a transparent, efficient and effective way to citizen demands.

The quality of governance is fundamental to democratic legitimacy. Dissatisfaction with the quality of public goods and services leads to demonstrations, protests either for transportation, education or health issues.

4. Evolution in the form of governing: the Relationship between State and citizen is changing:

Public policies focused on citizen

Citizen participation in all stages of public policies from design to evaluation

An active citizen who wants to build democracy on a daily basis

Concept of open government that redefines the relationship state - citizens (horizontal relationship)

The Role of technology (tool that leads to modernization but not an end in itself)

5. Yet, as we have seen, innovation is not easy. Often innovations holds a disruptive nature: they engender institutional redesigns that require cultural changes - only possible to be carried out with the engagement of public leadership and with the broad participation of the actors involved and / or affected by these changes. Whatever the case, challenges are the same:

Combining strategic planning with operational flexibility and responsiveness

Open government and transparency with data protection

Inter-institutional coordination and public private partnership without state capture by special interests

The quality of policies without normativism and bureaucracy

The leadership training that results in effective capacity building to govern in an environment of open economies, more democratic political spaces, fragmented societies and public problems of higher complexity and technicality. Disenchantment of citizens.

6. Taking into consideration this set of experiences and these common challenges, the OAS has been creating spaces for dialogue so that its Member States can – in a voluntary, systematic and organized basis - exchange successful experiences in terms of public management. This task is accomplished with the recognition of model experiences (like the winners of the Inter-American Prize 2013) and the set and shared design of an hemispheric cooperation mechanism - the MECIGEP - initiatives to which we invite the OAS member States to join in.

7. A special thanks to the Government of Panama for their efforts for the development of this Seminar, the Government of Canada for its ongoing collaboration and support in the activities conducted through the DEPM.

Panama City, March 14th, 2014

María Fernanda Trigo
Department for Effective Public Management
Secretariat for Political Affairs
Organization of American States


Tendencies in Governance
Mrs. Maryantonett Flumian, President of the Institute on Governance of Canada

Panel 1: Planning and/or Evalutation in Public Policies

Public Policies in the XXI century
Mr. Gregorio Montero, Secretary General of the Latin American Center of Administration for Development (CLAD)

Public Management in Brazil: Tendencies and Challenges
Mrs. Ana Lucia Amorim de Brito, Executive Secretary of Management of the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management of Brazil

Evaluation of the Municipal Performance (SEDEM)
Mr. Luis Fernando Graham Velver, General Coordinator of the Municipal Institute of Planning of the Municipality of Puebla (IMPLAN) – Mexico

Panel 2: Open Government and Access to Public Information

Open Government: a New paradigm of Government?
Mr. Manuel Villoria, Professor of the “José Ortega y Gasset and Gregorio Marañon” Foundation of Rey Juan Carlos University – España

Open Government and Access to Public Information
Mrs. Mariana Llona Rosa, Executive Secretary of Public Management of the Republic of Peru

10 words to know in Euskera before analyzing the Open Government concept
Mr. Luis Petrikorena Arbelaiz, Director for Open Government of the Basque Government

National Internet Network “Internet for All”
Mr. Pablo A. Ruidíaz Morales, Director of Internet, Inclusion and Mobility of the National Authority for Governmental Innovation (AIG) – Panama

Panel 3: Inter-institutional Coordination of Public Policies and Programs

Strengthening Inter-institutional Coordination: a perspective from the OECD
Mr. Martin Forst, Head of the Division of Governance Reviews and Partnerships of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

Democratic Transformation of the State in Ecuador
Mr. Óscar Alexis Uquillas Otero, Deputy Secretary for Institutional Reforms of the National Secratariat of Planning and Development (SENPLADES) of Ecuador

Electronic Birth Certificate (CNV) with assignment of unique identity number
Mrs. Iris Janet López, Director of Management and Evaluation of the State Area of the Office of Planning and Budget of the Republic of Uruguay

Panel 4: Quality in Public Policy

Effective Public Management
Mrs. Cibele Franzese, Professor of Public Administration and Government at the “Getulio Vargas” Foundation – Brazil

Contribution of Quality to the Institutional Strenghtening and Good Government: the Dominican Case
Mr. Ramón Ventura Camejo, Minister of Public Administration of the Dominican Republic

Quality of Public Policies
Mr. Orlando Gracia, Director of the Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies Aera of the National Department of Planning – Colombia.

National Community Policing Plan by Quadrant
Myr. Gral. Luz Marina Bustos Castañeda, Deputy General Director of the Colombian Police

Panel 5: Human Resources Management

Structure of the Mexican Federal Public Administration
Mr. Julián Alfonso Olivas Ugalde, Secretary of the Public Function of Mexico

International and National Diagnostic of the Professionalization of the Civil Service
Mr. José Antonio Morales, Deputy Secretary for Governability and Modernization of the Secretariat for Strategic Affairs of El Salvador

Civil Service in Costa Rica: actual situation, challenges y ongoing initiatives
Mr. Roberto Gallardo, Minister of National Planning and Economic Policy (MIDEPLAN) of Costa Rica

The impact of Innovation in Public Sector Transformation
Mr. Victor L. Brown, Business Process Re-engineering Specialist of the Public Sector Transformation Unit of Jamaica


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Costa Rica

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Dominican Republic

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